PWSTS Magazine Articles

Photographs of magazine articles from the Chart and Compass, The Helm and British Sailors Society material. To enlarge the photograph just click on the image displayed.

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PWSTS Dover. Front Cover of the British Sailors Society Annual Report for 1961. (in colour)


The Helm. Volume 1 (3rd series) No.15 August 1967. Front cover. Shows Colour Party parading with the New Colours which were presented by the Broadstairs and St Peters Branch of the British Sailors Society, the colour belt was made by Mrs Vine

The Helm

The Helm. Volume 1 (3rd series) No.12 June 1965. Front cover. Shows After Steering position of the S.S Canterbury.

The Helm

Chart and Compass spring 1971 with my class (Arethusa71) sat in the ex Texaco Caribbean lifeboat – Keith Ellison & Ian Curtis on the front row left and right respectively. Charlie Lyford

Chart & Compass